Thursday, 21 February 2013

Trusting in the Spirit

A sunny Yearly Meeting at Friends House, 2012
Yearly Meeting is the annual decision-making forum for all Quakers in Britain. This year it will be at Friends House, London from 24-27 May.

The theme of this year's Meeting is 'Trusting in the Spirit', and Friends are being encouraged to consider some questions in advance of the Meeting, and to send our responses in by 7th May. I have been asked to present a 'distillation' of the responses during the first session of Yearly Meeting on Friday evening, so I'd like to encourage as many Friends as possible to contribute. The questions are:
  • How have you discerned the right way forward in your own life?
  • What experiences have you had of Quaker meetings being guided by the Spirit when making decisions?
  • What do you value about the ways in which Friends work together?
You can read others' responses and add your own at the YM webforum here
or send your contribution by email to:
Or if you'd prefer, you can also add your response to any or all of the questions in the comments section below, and I will add them into the mix!

More details about Yearly Meting 2013 are on the BYM website here.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Sheffield Quaker Book Group - books for the coming year!

Sheffield Quaker Book Group

Books for 2013-14

Blue Moon Cafe,  Saturdays, 4pm-5.30pm – all welcome

APRIL 6 2013                       To be decided

MAY 11th 2013                    Disgrace, by JM Coetzee

JUNE 1st 2013                      The Dog Stars, by Peter Heller

JULY 6th 2013                      Flight Behaviour, by Barbara Kingsolver

AUGUST 3rd 2013               Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nimh, by Robert O'Brien

SEPTEMBER 7th 2013         Have the Men had Enough, by Margeret Forster

OCTOBER 5th 2013             So Long See You Tomorrow, by William Maxwell

NOVEMBER 2nd 2013        A Life of One's Own, by Marion Milner/Joanna Field

DECEMBER 7th 2013          A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O'Connor

JANUARY 11th 2014           Howard's End, by EM Forster

FEBRUARY 8th 2014           Indian Horse, by Richard Wagamese