to Act on Climate Change:
Witness Group. Sunday February 22nd, 2015. 12 to 1pm
2015 is a
crucial year to put action on the climate firmly on the political
agenda. Our General Election is in May. The International Climate
talks are in Paris in December.
The Living
Witness Group invites you to a workshop on Sunday February 22nd
12pm to share ideas and resources on ways we can speak truth to power
and share our commitment to be a low carbon community with the wider
world and those in power. There will be opportunities to take away
pro forma letters to send to our parliamentary candidates and hear
about the Time to Act for the Climate National March, rally and
creative action in London on March 7th.
I have
recently joined the Living Witness Group. I have been aware and
active around the climate crisis for a long time and engaged with
Sheffield Climate Alliance.
I felt
enormous relief when I read the Quakers Canterbury commitment, minute
36, made at Yearly meeting 2011.
Selected paragraphs below.
deeply, my sense of relief is from “joining the dots,” the
spiritual and political linking up, meeting that need for deep
connection. I do feel gratitude to be part of a spiritual community
that is asking us all to respond to the challenge of climate change,
to take on the enormity of the scale of change required, to realise
the links with our current economic inequitable system and to draw on
our Quaker tradition and testimonies, including speaking truth to
power and engagement through love and joy!
I feel
extremely proud that UK Quakers were the first faith group to
disinvest from fossil fuels.
Two years
ago at our Sheffield Meeting I felt particularly heartened, inspired
and grateful to the Living Witness Group for holding evening
sessions to share our responses to Pam Lunn’s Swarthmore lecture,
“Costing not less than Everything”, which led up to the
Canterbury commitment. Here are just two of her chapter headings and
quotes framing ways we can respond:
are no passengers in spaceship earth. We are all crew” Marshall
As crew,
she suggests ways we can all take responsibility for action:
that climate change is a problem
this as a situation in which something needs doing
personal responsibility for doing something
what to do
2. The
Time is Now: ”You do not have to change: survival is not mandatory”
W.Edwards Denning
So, my
choice, in what I can offer the Living Witness Group at this pivotal
time, is to be a connector and try and join the dots between
Sheffield Climate Action and our Quaker community. I am delighted
that Janet Paske, also a member of SCA and our Meeting is joining me
in this.
On the
22nd February we
will be sharing some of the ways the National Campaign against
Climate Change and Sheffield Climate Alliance are calling on our
political leaders to show leadership: to move from delay to action
with practical policies which can lead to a more sustainable and
equal society.
policies include:
● 10%
emissions cuts year on year, creating at least one million climate
● From
fracking and fossil fuels to renewable energy for all our needs.
● From
cold homes and energy waste to insulation for all.
● From
exploitation to climate justice: UK support for a
just international climate deal.
We are
currently drafting pro forma letters Friends can make their own to
send to their MPs and parliamentary candidates. We will also
encourage friends to think about joining The Time to Act for the
Climate March in London on March 7th.
We will of course welcome all other creative responses to rise to the
challenge of our time.
commitment. Sections from Minute 36
“Sustainability is
an urgent matter for our Quaker witness. It is rooted in Quaker
testimony and must be integral to all we do corporately and
framework for action 2009-2014)
A concern for the
Earth and the well-being of all who dwell in it is not new, and we
have not now received new information which calls us to act. Rather
we are renewing our commitment to a sense of the unity of creation
which has always been part of Friends’ testimonies. Our actions
have as yet been insufficient.
environmental crisis is enmeshed with global economic injustice and
we must face our responsibility as one of the nations which has
unfairly benefited at others’ expense, to redress inequalities
which, in William Penn’s words, are ‘wretched and blasphemous.’
faith & practice
encourage local and area meetings to practise speaking truth to power
at local level by establishing relationships with all sections of
local communities, including politicians, businesses and schools, to
encourage positive attitudes to sustainability.
process needs to be joyful and spirit-led, with room for corporate
discernment at local, area and national level. We believe this
corporate action will enable us to speak truth to power more
confidently. Growing in the spirit is a consequence of taking action,
and action flows from our spiritual growth; here is the connectedness
we seek. Only a demanding common task builds community.”
This is a longer version of an article by Heather Hunt that will be printed in Sheffield Quaker News in January.