I have just got back from a weekend 'threshing event' at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, discussing the prospects for a renewal of British Quakerism for the 21st Century. Many see this process of growing our spiritual vitality and reaching out to newcomers as already underway, and perhaps signalling a 'transition moment' when the Quaker Way finds a new resonance with the needs of the wider society.
I have written a fuller discussion of the themes of the weekend on Nayler.org here (Nayler is a free online magazine for British Quakers to share
their experience along the Quaker way with each other and with
The full text of the epistle from the 'Whoosh' event is below:
To all Friends in Britain,
We are 57 Quakers who have gathered at Woodbrooke for the Quaker Life
threshing event ‘Whoosh!’ – united by our determination to energise
the Religious Society of Friends in Britain, and to help it build on the
vitality of the past and present to create fresh fizz and purpose for
the future.
We discern a growing confidence within the Religious Society of
Friends that our experience-based religion is increasingly what many
people are looking for.
Growing numbers of people have rejected all claims to absolute truth,
but are hungry for a path of personal and social transformation. This
could be a ‘transition moment’ for British Quakers, as we discover a new
radicalism in response to turbulent times.
We have been reminded that at the end of the 17th Century Quakers
made up 1% of the British population – the equivalent of 600,000 members
today. We are convinced that the UK would be a better place with
600,000 Quakers in it.
Our Meetings are facing many challenges from a changing world and the
pressure of Quaker business. We need to give ourselves permission to
think positively, so that we can recognise our gifts and potential, and
be open to transformation.
We have been asked to consider which parts of our lives bring us
closer to God. We share a desire to build joyful communities, places
that help us live faithfully, and recognise that vibrant Meetings are a
channel for God’s love. Should we be more rigorous in testing what we
gain from our Quaker roles, being ready to spring-clean our structures
when they are not helping us?
How can we use our premises to renew our sense of purpose and reach out to the people who live and work around us?
Do we have the courage to speak with passion and conviction about our
spiritual lives? Can we acquire the confidence to find our own words to
express the ways in which we understand the divine? Can we encourage
others as they reach for the language that is right for them?
How can we share our collective experience and wisdom with and
between Meetings? How can we become learning communities, which
recognise and foster each others’ gifts?
This conference has been characterised by a clear affirmation of the
need for growth, vibrancy and the enrichment of faithful lives. We
acknowledge our need for experimentation and openness to change.
We have been inspired by the observation that ‘Quakers are ready to
take off’, and by the insight that we do not do this only in our own
strength. We ask all Friends to consider how we are led to respond to
this challenge to participate in realising God’s purposes for our
Society in these times, when a confident Quaker voice is needed more
than ever.
Signed in an on behalf of the Whoosh! conference
Paul Parker & Helen Rowlands
Introducing Quaker Worship
5 years ago
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