For our 'Quaker Basics' session on Quaker Worship session this week, Rosie Roberts produced a handout, drawn from various sources, outlining some of the practices that support Meeting for Worship. She offers them here for comment and discussion by the wider community.
GATHERED MEETING (not just in Sheffield)
These ‘practices’ are collected together as a means
to an end: that of
our gathered Meetings for Worship, and all the ministries (verbal and
non-verbal in Meetings for Worship, practical, and outreach) that flow from them.
- Try to come with your heart and mind prepared for Meeting for Worship;
- Try to arrive on time – or better still, early. The Meeting for Worship begins when the first person sits down;
- Where to sit? Anywhere;
- Can we read in Meeting? If you wish to read to yourself, try to do so sparingly – reading tends to shut you off from sharing the experience of the Meeting, and those near you may find it distracting;
- Stillness and silence are as much a part of our worship as our speaking. Ministry in Meeting is both vocal and non-vocal;
- Shaking hands at the end of Meeting signifies the companionship of a gathered Meeting.
- Listen
- Listen to all ministry in a spirit of acceptance. Whatever is said, even if it does not seem to speak directly to you, may speak to others in the room.
- In an hour-long Meeting, allow the Meeting to feel ‘gathered’ before ministering. How long …… ?
- If you feel prompted to speak, ask yourself whether the message is for the gathered Meeting – or maybe just for you? Even if for others, is this Meeting for Worship the right time for it? There are many alternatives: Meeting for Reflection, a discussion group or spiritual friendship group, an article, a blog, or simply a conversation. Are you in danger of entering a debate? Wait until you are sure that your message – and the time – are right.
- Let your message grow within you, and then try to speak in humility, from your own experience and from the heart;
- Speak clearly and loudly enough for all to hear;
- Aim for simplicity and clarity;
- It is usual to stand up – but feel free to remain seated if you have difficulty standing;
- When ministering, respect the ministry of others:
- Leave time for yourself and others to absorb what has been said;
- Speak your own truth, without challenging what has been said before – the Meeting is not for debating issues or taking sides;
- It is very rarely helpful to speak more than once during Meeting.
- It is helpful for Meeting to close with a period of silence, so avoid ministering near the end. Remember that we have three groups of children joining us during the last ten minutes, who need to be able to come straight in.
Rosie would welcome your comments and responses to these suggestions. Is there anything you would change, or add to this description of Quaker practices? What is your experience of Meeting for Worship at Sheffield Central?
The next Quaker Basics session will be on Quaker Discernment, on Tuesday 20th May 7-9pm at Sheffield Central Quaker Meeting House. All are welcome.
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