This is the video of Ben Pink Dandelion's Swarthmore Lecture, delivered at Yearly Meeting Gathering recently. There is a brief discussion of some of the issues raised in the lecture over at Transition Quaker. The book of the lecture is called 'Open for Transformation: Being Quaker', and a couple of copies are available in the Sheffield Central Quaker Meeting library.
It would be great to know what Friends think of the lecture, please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Introducing Quaker Worship
5 years ago
So glad I finally sat down and listened. its a discipline to find a whole hour to simply do that. What a lot of interesting thoughts and ideas. Very little that I wouldn't agree whole-heartedly with. Shouldn't we arrange for a chance for us to sit together and listen and discuss at Sheffield Central meeting?
Yes indeed! In fact we are planning to use October's Inner Quest slot to do just that. Helen Griffin
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